Sunday, July 6, 2014

Taipei Zoo

Today two of my friends and I took a day trip up to Taipei to go to the zoo. I love zoos, and this one was pretty good. It was way, way too hot but overall it was a great day.  We saw a lot of cool animals, and way too many GIGANTIC spiders, and a lot of really weird, seemingly inappropriate graffiti. After the zoo we hung out at the Taipei main station and had seriously delicious Indian food for dinner. With only 16 days left in Taiwan, I am really trying to enjoy every last minute of it. Here are just a bunch of random pictures from the day.

not very pink flamingos

Katy took a picture of this with her flsah on. What a dweeb.

the ugliest hippo ever

Katy, Emily, and I

Jackass penguins

The area around the zoo was really pretty too


We had some fun in the teen cosmetics bathroom

Pretty much the best meal ever

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