Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Month Number Seven

I’m a little late on my seventh month post. Even though February is the shortest month of the year, but it felt like the longest month I’ve been here. 

I can’t believe that I was in Hong Kong only a month ago. It was one of the greatest experiences. I had great food and a great time. I weirdly experienced culture shock while being there, and that was interesting to experience again. I forgot what it was like to be surrounded by people that speak English as a first language, and it was weird for me to see so many “foreigners” in one place. Overall though, that was a great time.

February was the month I felt like I really lived in Taiwan. It probably sounds odd, but it has always felt like I am just temporarily here, almost like I’m just visiting. It was good to feel really at home somewhere. It was really beautiful here this month, with all the lanterns lit up, and lots of things going on for Chinese New Year. 

I’ve decided that the thing I hate most about Taiwan are these annoying blue trucks that drive around. They drive around all day blasting advertisements and music and random information on a  loudspeaker. I can’t get over how annoying it is! No matter where you are, you can hear them. And if you stop next to one at a stoplight, it’s like torture.

I also got super sick again. I don’t know what it is about here, but I am always getting sick here. Different germs, something in the air, I don’t know. But I was feeling like a zombie for weeks, so it’s good to be healthy again!

Not much happened this month, but still not a bad month. 

1 comment:

  1. As always, it is great to read your blog and catch up on your adventures and experiences!

    Glad you had a great time in Hong Kong. It must have felt good indeed having so many people walking around speaking English again. And it looked like a wonderful break time for you.

    Good that you are feeling more settled in Taiwan! That has to help you cope from being so far away from home. And it looks like you've made some wonderful new friends over there too!

    I'm so sorry that you keep getting sick! Not sure what that is all about but could be as you said...different germs or something in the air that you still need to adjust toward. But glad to hear you're feeling healthy again.

    And what's up with those blue trucks blasting AD's and music? Apparently they don't have an noise abatement law over there! I am assuming that they do shut down late at night when folks are in bed sleeping. :-)

    Looking forward to your next blog, Lori. Take care and know you are thought of by us friends back home.

