I've been in Taiwan for about a month at this point, so I thought I would write a post reflecting on my time here so far. It has been a pretty good first month. I think that's because everything has been so new and different from the states. I've had a lot of fun so far, and had many experiences I never would have thought I'd have.
I've really enjoyed being in a place where I understand nothing. I thought it would be really stressful, but it is kind of a freeing feeling. I thought it would be more embarrassing trying to order food and things and not knowing Chinese, but people are generally friendly and work hard to help you out. I like that I can't understand what any one is saying about me.
I am surprised that I like the food here. I've never been one to eat vegetables, but I love the way they prepare them here. The thing I eat the most here though is fried rice. I love some chicken fried rice. And I still really, really love iced green tea.
I have discovered that teaching is not something I want to do with my life. I am not as good at teaching children as I thought I would be, but I'm learning. It is exhausting being a teacher. I have so many friends in the states who want to be teachers, and I give them so much credit now. It is a hard job.
I've been somewhat learning Chinese, but I need to get more serious about that now. That is an important part of this journey for me.
As much as I have liked being here, I am still really homesick. This experience was the right thing to do, but I do not think I would go abroad for a year again. This has been both the shortest and longest month of my life. And I think I miss my family, friends, boyfriend, and cat more than I like being here. It will be a long 11 months, but I still have so much to experience here.